FIF 2022 - Workshop Lazard Fund Managers: Which investment solutions to consider to face inflation and rising interest rates?

FIF 2022 - Workshop Lazard Fund Managers: Which investment solutions to consider to face inflation and rising interest rates?

Subscribe to the Lazard Fund Managers workshop at the FIF event 2022
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After many years of low or even negative interest rates in Europe, inflationary pressures are causing yields to rise in the bond markets. The war in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia have reinforced this dynamic by pushing up the prices of energy (oil, gas) and foodstuffs (wheat, corn in particular). The Fed has already started to raise its key rates and investors expect the ECB to follow the same path by the end of the year. In this context, bond markets are under pressure: when rates rise, the value of outstanding securities falls. Equity markets are also sensitive to central bank policy. What can we expect in the coming months? What are the implications for investors? Listen to the analysis of Matthieu Grouès, Managing Director at Lazard Frères Gestion, at the FIF event. 


Through Edfin you can register for the different workshops. As soon as you have registered for 1 workshop, you are automatically registered for the Main stage.


  • 11:30 - 13:00: Networking lunch
  • 13:00 - 14:15: National and international keynote speakers
    • Tanguy Van de Werve (EFAMA): 'Regulatory challenges and opportunities for the European fund industry’
    • Klaus Kaldemorgen, Star Fund Manager (DWS): 'How to diversify Risk in Multi Asset, while an entire asset class has almost disappeared'
  • 14:15 - 14:45: Debate with fund professionals


  • 14:45 - 15:30: Networking break



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