FIF 2022 - Workshop Carmignac: On the eve of a paradigm shift for multi-asset funds?

FIF 2022 - Workshop Carmignac: On the eve of a paradigm shift for multi-asset funds?

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The deceleration of global growth, persistent (geo)political uncertainty, threats of sticky inflation, and the more hawkish stance adopted by developed Central banks, have pushed government bonds, corporate bonds and equity markets in a simultaneous bearish momentum.

A tug of war between recession fears and faith in policy support

Over the short term this environment is very challenging and clearly painful from a performance standpoint, but also a source of upcoming opportunities. Indeed, this challenging environment will also be a driver of future returns as one takes advantage of the dramatic sell-off of corporate bonds and equities to cherry-pick some idiosyncratic names and build the future return potential of the portfolio. Over the mid to long-term, prospects are more hopeful: Fiscal support could alleviate the worst of energy-price inflation and supply chain disruptions and transformation.

Shifting from a “central bank put” to a “fiscal policies put”

The end of unconditional and extraordinary monetary policies means the end of indiscriminate market increases, and the potential of true alpha generation thanks to selective and active management, especially given the recent reset of major indices in the past months. The coming end of negative interest rates and asset class correlation as we know it reinforces the importance of a flexible allocation to optimize performance. Finally, the return of volatility means the need for an active management of risks, to protect the book’s long-term opportunities.

This is what we seek to achieve through our multi-asset European fund, Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe. The Old Continent, which is particularly affected and exposed, is a decidedly complex region, but if you invest wisely, you can turn this complexity into a series of opportunities.


Through Edfin you can register for the different workshops. As soon as you have registered for 1 workshop, you are automatically registered for the Main stage.


  • 11:30 - 13:00: Networking lunch
  • 13:00 - 14:15: National and international keynote speakers
    • Tanguy Van de Werve (EFAMA): 'Regulatory challenges and opportunities for the European fund industry’
    • Klaus Kaldemorgen, Star Fund Manager (DWS): 'How to diversify Risk in Multi Asset, while an entire asset class has almost disappeared'
  • 14:15 - 14:45: Debate with fund professionals


  • 14:45 - 15:30: Networking break



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    Rue Picard 5/7
    1000 Brussel (Brabant flamand)

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