FIF 2022 - Workshop Assuralia: Socially Responsible Investing & financial insurances

FIF 2022 - Workshop Assuralia: Socially Responsible Investing & financial insurances

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Insurance companies offer long term savings and pension products, the so-called Branch 21 products. They also promote unit linked insurance investment products, the so-called Branch 23 products. Both type of products are becoming more and more managed in a sustainable and responsible way.

In the management of their assets, insurance companies adopt a prudent, long term and responsible approach. They manage their portfolios to generate stable long-term return keeping in mind risk diversification and risk mitigation. Next to financial data, insurance companies also take into account environmental, social and governance factors in their investment process. This allows to mitigate the potential negative impacts of sustainability risk on the return of their portfolios, to identify long term investment opportunities and to support the transition to a more sustainable world.

The responsible investment approach of insurance companies can be based on sustainable strategies such as exclusions, ESG integrations, engagement and voting, best in class, impact investing. These strategies can be implemented for traditional products as well as for sustainable products. However, for the products with a sustainable label such as the Towards sustainability label, more strict exclusion criteria and extra rules are required in the management of these sustainable funds.

In 2018, Europe has launched its Sustainable Action Plan to promote the development of a sustainable economy. The financial sector including the insurance companies have a role to play and are highly impacted by the new EU regulations and its ambition to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 as included in the European Green deal and the Climate law adopted in 2021.

Among others, SFDR (entered into force in March 2021), EU Taxonomy and Mifid II adds duties for the insurance companies towards their clients.


Through Edfin you can register for the different workshops. As soon as you have registered for 1 workshop, you are automatically registered for the Main stage.


  • 11:30 - 13:00: Networking lunch
  • 13:00 - 14:15: National and international keynote speakers
    • Tanguy Van de Werve (EFAMA): 'Regulatory challenges and opportunities for the European fund industry’
    • Klaus Kaldemorgen, Star Fund Manager (DWS): 'How to diversify Risk in Multi Asset, while an entire asset class has almost disappeared'
  • 14:15 - 14:45: Debate with fund professionals


  • 14:45 - 15:30: Networking break



Maison de la Poste - Tour & Taxis

Rue Picard 5/7
1000 Brussel (Brabant flamand)

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